Australian Terrier International
Meeting The Needs Of Aussie Owners Globally
© 2010 Australian Terrier International
May, 2011- Vol. 2, Issue 3
Dear Aussie Friends, |
This month we bring you the beautiful Aussies of the United Kingdom. The UK includes the countries England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The UK hosts one of the most famous dog shows in the world, Crufts. I had the great pleasure of attending Cruft’s in 2010 and meeting so many lovely people. We hope you enjoy their dogs and their history!
Have a wonderful safe and healthy summer.
Don’t forget to take photos to share with us in the September issue of what I did with my Aussie this summer.
Pamela Levy
ATI Editor |
Feature Family |
This month we are featuring Christine Foskett and her dogs as our Feature Family.
To view her beautiful Aussies and read her wonderful story, click here.
Chris has been involved with Aussies for the past 12 years.

Photo Courtesy of Chris Foskett
Honoring Brenda Brown of Ralindi Kennels
I have just learned that ATI has bestowed upon me the award of Lifetime Member.
I am HUGELY honoured to accept.
I must be honest – this honour makes me feel truly humble.
I have always done my absolute best to promote the Australian Terrier, the breed that completely stole my heart as a teenager and that has given me so much pleasure for so many years.
May I say a huge “Thank You” for honouring me in such a fantastic way.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish ATI every success in the future and to Australian Terrier owners all over the world – have the most wonderful time with the best breed in the world! Brenda Brown, Ralindi Kennels
An Interview With Brenda Brown By Pamela Levy

Brenda Brown
This month ATI welcomes Brenda Brown as the first Lifetime member from the United Kingdom.
We want to congratulate you (Brenda) and thank you for your years of dedication to the breed.
The Kennel name Ralindi is behind many top winning UK and International dogs.
How did you get involved or started with Australian Terriers?
I first met Aussies in 1965 at my cousin, Keith McIntosh’s, home in North Wales. We were both teenagers at that time but, like me, Keith had been brought up in a small dog showing/breeding kennel. His parents showed Cairn Terriers but Keith decided Aussies were the breed for him.
Why did you choose Aussies at that time?
I was brought up with German Shepherd Dogs. My parents showed, judged and occasionally bred GSDs and I have been involved in showing dogs all my life. I went to my first dog show when I was 6 weeks old! When I met Aussies for the first time in 1965 I thought they were the most fun-loving dogs I had ever seen – I absolutely adored them for that!

Ralindi The Executor Photo: Lorna Brown
How many years have you shown Aussies?
I have shown Aussies since 1970 – I was young then!!!!! I went to a few Ch shows where Aussies were being shown in the mid – late 1960s and, through Keith, I got to know some of the Aussie exhibitors and their dogs fairly well.
How many years have you been breeding Aussies?
I bred my first litter in April 1971.
How many litters have you bred?
I have bred 26 litters in the past 40 years producing about 90 puppies in total. No-one can ever say I flooded the market!!!
Do you know how many champions you have produced?
Ralindi has won 60 CC’s and campaigned 8 Aussies to their UK Championship titles – no mean feat in this country – and we also bred 1 Swedish Ch Australian Terrier bitch. Ralindi owned the top-winning Aussie bitch of all time in the breed in the UK and she held that record for 14 years, until 1999.

Ch. Future Vision Of Ralindi
Do you enjoy mentoring other people in the breed?
Yes, I do! – but nowadays, only if I am asked. In previous years I would happily give advice and, I’m delighted to say my advice was always greatly appreciated.
Have you mentored anyone from another country?
No, but I am more than happy to answer anyone’s questions from anywhere in the world! I have been on International Aussie Forums over the years and I have contributed to them. Nowadays, it’s much, much easier to communicate with people from overseas by email, Facebook, etc than it ever was in previous years.
Who were the people who mentored YOU in the breed?
My mentors in the breed when I started were my cousin Keith McIntosh (Trailblazer) and Rene Sanderson (Spenmoss). Both helped and encouraged me enormously. Joan Garlick (Tippon) was also very helpful.
How old was your daughter Lorna, when she got involved with Aussies?
Lorna came home to the Ralindi Australian Terriers as a new-born baby, so she has been involved with the breed all her life. She will be 29 years old in early July of this year so, basically, she has been involved with Aussies for almost 29 years. That’s much longer than most people in Aussies in the UK at present!
What is that like sharing a passion with your daughter?
It’s wonderful! We have many discussions about Aussies. My daughter Lorna is just one of only 2-3 young people under the age of 40, who is directly involved in Australian Terriers in the UK at the present time. That is a fact that truly concerns me. The future of our wonderful breed here in the UK is in great danger as young people are simply not coming into the breed. That, sadly, applies to many of the terrier breeds here in the UK at present.

Ch. Ralindi Islay Mist Photo: Diane Pearce
Do you breed together?
Lorna also owns the Ralindi affix but in a “separate interest” from me. The term separate interest means both Lorna and I can breed a litter of Aussies – or any other breed – and register all the puppies with the Ralindi kennel name at The Kennel Club.
Do you always agree on what dogs to keep and which dogs to place out of a litter?
Yes, we do! We also find when we see other people’s litters of Aussies, we choose precisely the same puppy.
What do you look for in the bitch to make her worthy of your breeding program?
She must possess true breed type.
What do you look for in the stud dog to make him worthy of your breeding program?
Again, breed type is of paramount importance. I was always taught by my mentors and the old-time breeders that without true breed type you had nothing!
What have been your proudest moments in the breed?
When I won my first-ever CC in the breed in 1977. I was hugely proud of the times I owned the Top Australian Terrier in the UK in various years. As to judging I am proud to have judged Aussies at National Terrier, the ATCGB Ch show, Crufts in 1996 and The Australian Terrier Club of New South Wales in 1994 – I was hugely proud of that invitation! To have an appointment to judge my chosen breed in its homeland was an honour I shall treasure for the rest of my life! No other Australian Terrier breed specialist from the UK had ever judged our breed at a Breed Club/Speciality Ch show in Australia, either before or since. I must also say I am very proud of the fact I have been made a Lifetime Member of the ATI – what an honour!

The two Aussies with me in the picture from Australia were my top winning dog and bitch when I Judged at the ATCNSW CH show on 3 April 1994.
How did you learn to groom?
Initially from my cousin Keith McIntosh who taught me how to hand strip, something that was totally new to me. In later years Pat Connor of the world-famous Tinee Town Kennel in Australia stayed with us for a good few days and she gave my husband Bill and me a personal “Master Class” in how to present an Aussie for the showring. Nowadays of course we have Aussies with full tails, so that became a new challenge. When trimming I prefer to leave a small amount of hair on the tail as I feel that is more in balance with the body coat rather than have the tail looking like a pipe cleaner.
Have you exported Aussies? If so, to what countries?
Yes, I have. I sent a four-month old red bitch to Sweden who became a Swedish Ch and one of her daughters became the foundation bitch for Tina Nordgren’s Nellyson kennel in Sweden. I have also sent a bitch to Germany and a dog and a bitch to the south of France but I knew none of them would be shown, their owners wanted them purely as companions.
Have you imported Aussies?
A bitch was due to be imported in whelp to the UK from our good friend Pam McDougall Douglas’ Tahee Kennel. We quickly booked a puppy from that litter. When the litter was born we were to get “first pick” of the dog puppies. When we got the phone call to say the puppies could be released from quarantine my husband Bill drove to the far south of England accompanied by our good friend Abe Harkness, who was to co-own this dog with Bill, to see the litter in the quarantine kennels. They soon picked the dog they wanted, Bill put him in the travelling box and brought him home. The minute he came out of the box he ran over to greet me and promptly lifted his leg on my slippers as if to say “You’re mine”!! He was just over 10 weeks old at the time! Herbie loved life and above all else, he absolutely adored puppies – he was brilliant with them. He lived all his life with us here at Ralindi and he holds a special place in my heart. I’m delighted to say we campaigned him to his UK Championship title.
Do you see a difference in personalities between dogs from other countries and dogs from the UK?
To be honest, no.
Did you find it difficult to produce a nice natural tail?
The last litter I bred was born in early June 2009. This was our first litter in almost four years so I have only bred one litter with full tails. I’m delighted to say all six puppies from that litter had lovely tails.
Can you describe what a good natural tail should look like?
In my humble opinion a good natural tail should have a fairly gentle curve and it should be in balance with the dog. Time will no doubt tell as this is still in its infancy here in the UK. Other countries have much more experience of Aussies with full tails than our UK Aussie breeders.
Did you have a few favorite Aussies that you owned or bred?
I have to be honest and say there were a few that completely stole my heart.
Who were they and why were those your favorites?
My very first Aussie was a great favourite, and she of course took me in to this wonderful breed. She was very rarely shown as she never coated up. My very first Ch (Ch Spenmoss Blue Marcus) was a real character with a huge personality as was our big-winning bitch Ch Future Vision of Ralindi. When she put her mind to it she could be a real madam and in fact she would respond to the word “Madam” as well as her true call name which was Holly. She loved to play with a rubber ball and would spend ages tossing it in the air, catching it, running about with it in her mouth before tossing it in the air again! She was an absolute joy to own.

Ch. Spenmoss Blue Marcus Photographer: Diane Pearce
How has the Aussie changed since you started breeding?
The Aussies of today tend to be bigger than in past years. The way Aussies are presented for the showring has changed a lot since I started in the breed.
Do you think the Aussie has improved?
Overall, fronts have improved a lot over the years. There were a small number of Aussies in the past that had very good fronts but they were very few and far between.
What concerns you about the Aussie of today as it relates to conformation and health?
Here in the UK I personally feel a number of the Aussies of today lack the strength and depth of muzzle required for the breed and some Aussies do not have the correct almond-shaped eye. Good, ground-covering movement showing drive and the desired springy action continues to be an area of concern. As to the health of our breed the breeders here are aware of diabetes and some cases of epilepsy have been reported. Both are currently being monitored.
What have Aussies added to your life?
I absolutely love their great sense of fun! They make me laugh. Showing them over the years has been an absolute joy and we’ve made lots of good friends with other Aussie owners in various countries throughout the world.

Ralindi Eartha Kitt Photo: Lorna Brown
You have put your heart and soul into working for the Club, your Newsletter and your annual trip to Cruft’s.
Can you share how many positions you have had at the club?
I served on the Committee of the ATCGB in both the 1970s and the1980s and I have been, and still am, Honorary Secretary of The Australian Terrier Club of Great Britain, a position I have held since 1995.
Is Honorary Secretary the same as President of the Club in the US?
As I don’t know what’s involved in being President of the Club in the US, I really can’t say! What I can say is that being Secretary of the ATCGB involves me in booking judges, show venues, veterinarians to be on call for our shows, applying to The Kennel Club for licenses for our shows, applying for Ch status and for the date of our annual Open show, dealing with all the Club’s correspondence, sending out all the paperwork for our AGM and all meetings of the Club, taking notes at all our Club’s meetings and turning those notes into the minutes of those meetings, liaising with The KC on all sorts of things, dealing with enquiries that come in re puppy availability and a whole lot more besides all of the above!!! We may be very much a minority breed in the UK but it’s a very busy Club.
Can you tell us about your Club’s Newsletter? Can International people subscribe and how would they do that?
My daughter Lorna is the Newsletter editor. I also contribute a great deal to our Club’s Newsletter. International people can become members of the ATCGB and that entitles them to receive copies of our Newsletters.
Does your club have International Memberships?
Yes, we do. A Single Overseas Membership costs £7.00 and a Joint Overseas Membership costs £9.00.
How does one become a member (if so)?
People who wish to become members have to fill in an ATCGB Membership Application Form which needs to be proposed and seconded by fully paid-up members of the ATCGB. Their application for membership then comes before the Committee for approval.

Ralindi Express Yourself Photo: Lorna Brown
Can you tell us how your annual trip to Crufts came about?
The first few years I went to Crufts (in the 1960s) I went in a group on the overnight train from Edinburgh to London. Later that changed to an overnight coach from Fife to London. Later still the above-mentioned Abe Harkness used to organise 2-3 overnight coaches from here in Lanarkshire and I always took charge of one of his coaches for him. In those days overnight coaches to all-breeds Ch shows was the way many exhibitors chose to go to the bigger Ch shows. It was more cost-effective and the exhibitors didn’t have to drive there and back to do the shows. If they were tired, they could have a sleep as someone else was driving! Through time, and as more and more people became car owners they would team up and share the costs of taking their own cars and they would share the driving to these shows so going to shows by coach became a lesser option but going to Crufts by coach was still very popular. When Abe changed his breed, his coach to Crufts was for a different day to Terrier & Hound Day so Bill and I took over organising the overnight coach to Crufts, initially running two coaches to the show. When the show moved to Birmingham which was nearer for exhibitors from Scotland we organised just one coach to take the exhibitors, their dogs and spectators to Crufts and I still run a coach to this day.
Have you had any funny or disastrous moments?
Many years ago Bill and I were on a coach going from Fife to London for the Ladies Kennel Association Ch show in December. We were in London when a car careened into the front of the coach and the radiator burst. We all piled into taxis and went to the show, not knowing whether the coach company could get a replacement radiator in time to take us back home that day or whether the coach company would manage to get a replacement coach to get us back home.
One other time, about 30 years ago, Bill and I had driven to the LKA Ch show and we had a nightmare journey home, driving in blizzard conditions for most of the way. We were the last car allowed through the M74 here in Scotland before it was completely closed as it was deemed to be too dangerous to drive on!! Winter tyres were unheard of in those days and, in fact, they are still not widely available or used in the UK. I will never, ever forget that journey.
Most importantly, with all you’ve done and your years of dedication to the breed……
How would you like to be remembered in the breed?
As someone who worked tirelessly to promote the best breed in the world and who did my very best to give something back to the breed that has given me so much pleasure for most of my life.
Paying Tribute to Brenda Brown |
How do you sum up just how special a woman like Brenda Brown is?
To the breed she has campaigned, loved and adored for over 40 years, to the countless people she has supported along the way and to myself, after all she is my mum!
She’s a second generation dog exhibitor, originally born into the Alsadene German Shepherd Kennel. She became intoxicated by the Australian Terrier in the late 60’s and founded the Ralindi Kennel in early 1970. Ralindi has been the proud owner/ breeder of 8 champions and over 60 CCs, (Challenge Certificates) including
Ch. Ralindi Future Vision who held the bitch record for 14 years.
Whilst on a 2-month trip to Australia in 1994, she was invited to judge the Australian Terrier Club of New South Wales Championship show. She is to this date the only UK Breed Specialist to have had this honour. Two years later she judged Aussies at Crufts, a highlight in any judge’s career especially breed specialists.
Dogs and dog showing are not only in her heart, they run through her veins and this is proven in the commitment and passion she has for our wonderful breed.
Lorna Brown

Left to right – Mum, Dad, George & Beryl Ness (Negura Australian Terriers
from Australia) This picture was taken during a visit by the Ness’ to our home
in Scotland.
Two years ago I made my first pilgrimage to Cruft’s. Brenda was most inclusive and instrumental in the planning of my trip. A most gracious hostess would be difficult to find. She introduced me to all the exhibitors and made me feel most welcome and at home. Her daughter, Lorna, was exactly the same way. She has also been a dear friend to ATI since it’s inception. I can never thank her enough. She was however nominated for this honour by her countrymen. That makes me even more proud to know her. Thank you so much Brenda for all you have done and continue to do to foster our Grand Little Breed. Pamela Levy
The History Of The Aussie in the UK by Brenda Brown |
Brenda Brown wrote an article on “People in the Breed” for the ATCGB’s 1993 handbook with an updated and more thorough article on the same subject for the 2003 handbook. Brenda has been involved with Australian Terriers for over 40 years. Still very much active in the breed, she is the Australian Terrier Club of Great Britain’s Honorary Secretary and has held that position since 1995. She leads a yearly pilgrimage to Crufts that is eagerly anticipated each year by exhibitors and their dogs as well as spectators.
The History of Aussies in the UK by Brenda Brown
My husband, Bill, and I have extensive records here at Ralindi going back to 1933, the year that the Australian Terrier breed was officially recognized by The Kennel Club. The ATCGB, founded in 1929, was officially recognized by The Kennel Club in 1933 making 1933 a pivotal year in the annals of Australian Terrier history in this country.
The first Aussies came into the UK in 1896 with Mr. Hew Millburn who entered three of his Aussies at The Kennel Club show in 1906. Our records indicate that he showed two of them. Around that same time the Governor General of Victoria, who was later to become Lord Hopetoun, returned to the UK bringing a male Aussie back with him. These two gentlemen are credited with introducing Australian Terriers to our country. (My daughter, Lorna, has a contact at Hopetoun House, a stately home near Edinburgh located not far from us. Lorna asked her contact about the Australian Terrier but, sadly, no record of this dog was found.)
Mrs. J. R. Wood did a great deal to promote Aussies by showing them and actively seeking publicity for the breed. She even had show results for Aussies telegraphed to Australia! She sought recognition for the breed with The Kennel Club in 1908 but there simply were not enough Aussies in the UK at that time to get that official recognition.
More Aussies then came into the UK from both Australia and India. There were a great many Australian Terriers in India in the 1910s and 1920s and Challenge Certificates were on offer for our breed in India during those years. (Challenge Certificates are the major awards given to the top winners of each sex at conformation shows.) The Aussies being imported into the UK at that time came in mainly on ships sailing here from India.
The Earl and Countess of Stradbroke brought Aussies back to the UK after each of the Earl’s two terms of office as Governor General of Victoria ended. The Earl and Countess worked extremely hard to promote our breed and to get a number of people involved in Aussies. This was a very concerted push to gain official recognition for Australian Terriers and by 1933 there were enough Aussies registered with The Kennel Club to gain that much sought-after recognition and, with it, Challenge Certificates, i.e. championship status.
The first Australian Terrier to become a champion in the show ring was Ch. Sam of Toorak, born in August 1930, owned by Miss Jenny Rodocanachi. He was a drop-eared Aussie, a fact that was perfectly acceptable in the Breed Standard at that time. The second champion in the breed was Sam’s full sister, Ch. Sally of Toorak, born in February 1931 and owned by Miss Daphne Rodocanachi. Sally was a prick-eared Aussie.
The Rodocanachi’s Tooraks and the Earl and Countess of Stradbroke’s Henham Aussies were the two most successful kennels in the show ring in the early years following The Kennel Club’s recognition and championship status. At that particular time the nobility and wealthy people owned Australian Terriers, as they were the only people who could afford to import dogs from Australia and India. Because people were importing Aussies from various different kennels in both countries breed type was quite varied, so the Earl and Countess decided it was high time they did something to fix breed type which they did, in fact, achieve.
Mrs. Anna Stillwell imported Ch. Torres Blue Jacket from Australia which did much to improve breed type. Other early owners included The Honorable Mrs. Bassett (Majiga) and The Honorable Wilhelmina Alexander (Faygate) whose father was Sir Claude Alexander. Sir Claude first met Aussies in their early days and he used Aussies in an (unsuccessful) attempt to recreate the old Clydesdale Terrier. Mina Alexander owned Aussies right up to the time of her death in the 1980s.

Cruft’s circa 1980
The exhibitor on the far left in the pic from Crufts is Rene Sanderson of the Spenmoss Aussies.
The first sandy Aussie arrived in 1938 when Neville Dawson (Master of Foxhounds) imported a sandy bitch in whelp from Australia. She produced a litter of sandy and red puppies, which established those colours.
During World War Two breeders farmed out their dogs to various parts of the country in an attempt to preserve the very best breeding lines, which they managed to achieve successfully, so much so that after the war ended good breeding stock was still on the ground to carry on producing quality stock.
A red dog called Ch. Dandy of Zellah, born in 1940, proved to be hugely influential as a stud dog when breeding began again after the war. He went to Miss Evelyn Swyer in 1947 and he really took her Elvyne Aussies to the fore in the show ring. There were many Elvyne champions over a good many years, particularly in the 1950s and 60s, and Elvynes were exported to various countries, including Australia (yes, Australia!), Denmark and the USA. The dog, Elvyne Regal Salute was an early import for the breed in the USA, imported by Nell Fox.
Nell Milton Fox imported three Aussies from Evelyn Swyer in the very early days of Aussies in the USA, namely Am Ch. Elvyne Regal Salute of Pleasant Pastures CD Ex, Elvyne Blue Taffeta of Pleasant Pastures and Elvyne Betty’s Toff of Pleasant Pastures. Regal Salute’s dam, E Red Sunset, was born in March 1954 and his sire, E Red Sporran, was born around that time too, as he won a CC in 1956, although we don’t have an actual date of birth for him. Elvyne Blue Taffeta was the dam of Cooees Straleon Aussie, the very first Aussie champion in the USA.
Mrs. Winifred Dunn’s Dunhall Aussies were very successful in the 1950s and 60s and Joan Garlick’s Tippon Aussies were another successful kennel. Harold and Irene (Rene) Sanderson’s Spenmoss Aussies were hugely successful, winning many Challenge Certificates (known as CCs), particularly in the 1960s, the 70s and the 1980s. One of their Aussies was G2 at the Blackpool Championship show. That was a huge achievement for the breed as Aussies were very rarely considered for top honours in the Group in those days.
There were of course other Australian Terrier kennels but, post-war, the Elvynes, the Dunhalls and Spenmoss were by far the most successful kennels in our breed. They take us up to Sheila Eardley’s Sherex Aussies which began in the latter part of the 1960s. Her son Paul was a small boy at that time but in the 1970s he often handled his parents’ Sherex Aussies. Sheila owned a couple of Ch Aussies in the 1980s, co-owning a further Ch in much more recent times.
Mrs Win Pearson’s Rivelin Aussies were another very successful kennel campaigning a number of Aussies to their Ch title in the 1970s and 80s. Win had the distinction of winning the Bitch CC at Crufts for three years in succession with the same bitch. She also exported quite a few Aussies to Canada over a period of time and she was Hon Secretary of the ATCGB for teens of years.
Ralindi kennels started out in January 1970 and it was this kennel which owned the bitch record-holder in the breed for teens of years. Ralindi was a very successful kennel in the 1980s with a number of Ralindi Aussies gaining their Ch titles.

Brenda and Bill Brown and their daughter, Lorna

Ch. Ralindi Impact Maker Born: 1985 Photo: 1988
Full Litter Mate to Ralindi Islay Mist
Photographer: Diane Pearce
The next longest-serving breeder/exhibitor still actively involved in our breed began in the 1980s.
Lynn Bell came into the breed in the early 1980s. Lynn campaigned three Aussies to their UK championship titles in the late 80s and the 90s, plus one further Ch she bred and which she co-owns who is now a veteran. Lynn was the first person in the UK to show Aussies in Europe. She campaigned two of her Belyndi Aussies to their Belgian Ch titles, one a bitch she bred herself and her other Belgian Ch is a male she imported from Esther Krom’s Shastakin kennel in the USA. Lynn imported four Aussies from Shastakin. She was Chairman of the ATCGB for a few years in my early days as the Club’s Honorary Secretary and she was our Newsletter Editor, Handbook Editor and a brilliant PR Officer.
The late Brian Hodgson and his wife Velma’s Brimartz Aussies also started out in the early 80s and they had the most successful kennel in the 1990s. Several Brimartz Aussies were campaigned to their Ch title and one of their bitches was Reserve Best in Show at the National Terrier Club’s annual Ch show. The late Dorothy Snook and her daughter Felicity of the Pitcombe Aussies imported an in-whelp bitch from the Tahee Kennels in NSW and from that litter they kept a dog and a bitch who both had a successful run in the1990s. They also imported a dog from NZ and both he and his son became champions in the breed.
Paul Eardley also imported two Aussies from the Tahee Kennels, taking both to their Ch titles and he also campaigned a son and a daughter from these two imports to their Ch titles.
Sheila Stoddart’s Millvalley Aussies came to the fore in the latter part of the 1990s. Sheila has the distinction of owning the first-ever Aussie to win a Group at an all-breeds Ch show in the UK which she did with Ch Dinky Di Southern Cross, a bitch she imported from the USA. I’m delighted to say I was part of that history-making day – I judged our breed at that particular show!

Millvalley Blue Dashwood At Ralindi
Bred By: Sheila Stoddart Photo By: Lorna Brown
Sue McCourt (Silhill) acquired two bitches from Millvalley and these two reds became the foundation for her Silhill Aussies. Sue bred her very first litter of Australian Terriers in 2004 and this kennel has gone on to become hugely successful in the UK.

GB CH Silhill Tufty With Sherex – Top Aussie 2008
Photo: Ann Carol Johnson
Paul Eardley has the distinction of owning the first-ever Aussie to win Best in Show all-breeds with a Silhill-bred dog and Sheila Stoddart has the distinction of owning the first-ever Ch and Am Ch Australian Terrier.
And that, as they say, brings us right up to the present!
Photographs of early Aussies in the UK belong to the ATCGB and are copyright-protected. The Club bought them from Thomas Fall, Photographers, a number of years ago.
“Belle” My First Aussie By Christine Foskett |
Belyndi Liberty Belle DOB: 01/04/1998
Dam: Shastakin Belle For Belyndi Sire: Pitcombe Red Crystal at Belyndi
Breeder Miss Lynn Bell

“Belle” Today Photo Courtesy Of Chris Foskett
Belle was one of the first Anglo/American bitches born in the UK. Her mum Maddy came from the Shastakin Kennels of Esther Krom in New Jersey. Shastakin Belle for Belyndi had been chosen by Lynn initially for her to show in the USA. Her sire Multi CH Shastakin Chucko Jo (Junior) had been a successful show dog for Esther and had even been shown in Germany. His image can still be seen on many Australian Terrier mugs, key rings, etc. However, Lynn decided to bring Maddy to the UK to be part of the Belyndi breeding programme. At this time quarantine was the only option and Maddy came to the UK with Shastakin Witches Brew as a companion and they served their time at the Ryslip Kennels. They coped so well which is a credit to their temperaments and the care they received.
Belle’s dad was Toohey who was bred here in the UK by Felicity Snook and the late great Dorothy Snook who owned the Pitcombe Kennel. Toohey was the result of breeding two of their Antipodean imports. When Dorothy and Felicity visited Australia they met up with Pamela McDougal Douglas and brought back Tahee Golden Crystal. For her second litter, she was bred to Ch Temora Ted of Frederick of Pitcombe who they imported after their judging visit to New Zealand.
Belle is truly a dog with an international heritage. Her pedigree contains many of the most well known kennels of the time. This made her a sensible choice for me to have as the founder of my Wilfnbell Kennel, and my very first show dog.

“Belle” at 6 Years Old Photo Courtesy Of Chris Foskett
I think I was very lucky to have such a beautiful girl for my first show dog. I soon learned that Belle is a Madam and knows she is Queen of Wilfnbell. She does love showing more than she loves maternal duties. She passed this gene down to her daughter, Lottie; both of them were convinced that once they had given birth it was over to me to do the hard work. That’s called sharing the pups! Belle thought that licking bums and being suckled was beneath her dignity and I have to say it took a lot of patience and sitting in whelping boxes to make sure she got the message about being a mother. I distinctly remember making some cookies within a couple of days of the pups being born. The choice of cookies or pups was obvious to Belle and she was practically climbing out of the whelping box. We had to have her penned in to make sure she fed the babies and couldn’t get to the cookies!
On another occasion, I remember sitting on the settee in the early hours of the morning, with all the pups, during a really bad thunderstorm just in case they were scared. As I was acting as nanny, Belle took the opportunity to run upstairs to join my husband and Wilf on the bed. Could I get her back downstairs with her pups, could I hell?
In her showing career Belle really came into her own as a veteran. She won and was placed in many of the veteran stakes classes at Championship shows in the UK. I was very excited in 2009 when she won the Veteran Bitch Stakes at National Terrier under Bill Browne-Cole, and then the Veteran Stakes at Windsor Championship Show under Jeff Luscott. The day before her win she had broken into a large bag of food and spent most of the night and next day being rather ill. Her last show was Crufts 2010 under Sheila Stoddard where she won best Veteran.
She only missed one Crufts in all her years of showing and that was because her breeder was judging.
I have done my apprenticeship with my lovely Belle; I have made her too fat and too thin. I have been embarrassed in the ring by her. (Once in the ring she decided, “nah, not today” and slipped out of her show lead and ran back to her crate!) I have been disappointed and I have had many highs, as she has been a great source of comfort as well. Her granddaughter Lula went to live in Belgium and was mated to a German stud dog Dustin Vom Struthwold. That litter went to Germany, Holland, France and my lovely Wade came to live with me. Hoochie is a French Champion so she is very proud of him.
More importantly Belle is a wonderful individual. When she first came to us we had a Springer Spaniel called Wilf (Wilfnbell, get it?) and he loved Belle. They were like a married couple and when she had pups I am sure that he thought they were his. She is rather stubborn, aloof sometimes, but always loyal. She loves her walks and even now at 13 years old she does an hour a day keeping up with her great grandson Wade and even overtaking him on occasions. They say dogs don’t grieve, well I truly believe they do as when Wilf died it was obvious that Belle was very depressed for a long time. Strangely enough even after all these years I am convinced she still misses him.
My son Andrew adores her and she him; she goes mad when he comes to visit sitting on his lap and kissing him. She has never been a dog for children but strapping lads over 6 feet she is very at home with. She is also great with horses but only came across them later in life. This is something I love about Australian Terriers; they are very adaptable. She has given me my wonderful Lottie, Christy and my lovely Lady who died of cancer last year. All of them are great characters.
Long may her legacy last. |
Photos |
Vegas The Chump Photo Courtesy Of Christine Foskett
UK Stats – 2010 CC Winners |
These statistics are found in Dog World Magazine.
To view the link please click here.
Ch Silhill Sweet Pea (B) 1 x GW2 ,2 x GW3 ,1 x GW4 ,7 x BOB ,7 x CC
Ch Bluepepper’s Rock-et to Sherex ex Ch/Int/Sw/Fin Ch Millvalley Styled In Red for Silhill
Ch Silhill Blue Velvet from Wyeafon (D) 2 x BOB ,3 x CC
Ch Silhill Limited Edition at Wyeafon ex Ch Silhill Glitz ‘N’ Glamour
Ch/Am Ch Millvalley Red Rufus (D) 4 x CC
Ch Millvalley Fire Cracker ex Millvalley Lady Bird
Ch Silhill Limited Edition at Wyeafon (D) 1 x BOB ,1 x CC
Ch Bluepepper’s Rock-et to Sherex ex Ch Millvalley Monopoly at Silhill
Millvalley Rantin’Robin at Sherex (D) 1 x CC
Ch Bluepepper’s Rock-et to Sherex ex Ch Millvalley Red Ruby
Am Ch Temora’s The Simple Life (B) 1 x CC
Am Ch Benayr Wild Again ex Am Ch Benayr Natalie Attired
Hisnibbs (D) 1 x CC Dustin vom Struthwald ex Wilfnbell Be Bop A Lula
Int/Sw/Lat/Lit/Ger/Rus/Blr/Est/Fin Ch Truozzy’s Hand In Hand (B) 1 x CC
Est/Lat/Lit Ch Temora’s American Express ex Fin/Lit/Pol/Lat Ch Somehow Some Tru’N Oz
Wyeafon Red Hot ‘N’Sassy (B) 1 x CC
Ch Bluepepper’s Rock-et to Sherex ex Wyeafon Crimson Sky
UK Registrations in the Past 10 Years |

Photo Courtesy Of Gillian Bartlett (ATCSA)
Princess Mary (sister of King George VI) taken late 1920s.
Below are the numbers of Australian Terriers registered with The Kennel Club
over the past ten years:
2001 – 47
2002 – 34
2003 – 38
2004 – 60
2005 – 60
2006 – 62
2007 – 38
2008 – 55
2009 – 57
2010 – 36
Those numbers total just 487 Aussies registered with The Kennel Club over the last 10 years, averaging out at 48.7 puppies per year.

Photo Courtesy Of Gillian Bartlett (ATCSA)
Australian Terriers had been imported into England since 1898 and had become a favourite with the rich and famous, which helped it to become accepted and popular. It looks like a Red or Sandy Australian Terrier.
The Aussie and Clubs of the UK |
The Australian Terrier was the first native-bred Australian dog to be shown, and the first to be recognized overseas. Its origins are uncertain, but its immediate ancestor was without doubt developed in the United Kingdom in the early 1800s from the precursors of today’s British and Scottish terriers. Some of these breeds are now extinct, but the Aussie likely has a mixed ancestry comprising the same dog types that produced today’s Yorkshire, Dandie Dinmont, Manchester, Irish, and Cairn terriers. A new rough-coated terrier was evident in Australia by the late middle-nineteenth century; the selectively bred terrier was used for rodent and snake control, as a watchdog and occasionally as a herding dog. The first Broken-coated Terriers were exhibited in Melbourne in 1868 and the Australian Rough-Coated Terrier Club was founded in Melbourne in 1887. The breed was exhibited as the Australian Terrier, Rough-Coated in 1899.
Official breed status was granted in the UK in 1933 and in the US in 1960.
The Australian Terrier was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1969.
Breed Clubs and Societies
The ATCGB was founded in 1929 and the Club was officially recognised by The Kennel Club in 1933.
Secretary: Mrs Brenda Brown.
To View the ATCGB’s most recent newsletter click here
They have 55 members and continue to grow!
Secretary: Ms Christine Foskett.
*Terrier World Publication
Tallulah By Jean Garon |
“Tallulah”, Belyndi Fly The Flag on a special mission every day!
Sire Int, Bel Ch Shastakin Blaze of Glory for Belyndi
Dam: Belyndi Too True Blue
Bred by Lynn Bell and Owned by Jean Garon

“Tallie” relaxing. Photo Courtesy Of Jean Garon
Tallie celebrated her 6th birthday by passing the very thorough test set by a Pets As Therapy accredited assessor who put her through her paces to ensure she could cope in the potentially stressful environment of a hospital ward in an emergency. Also, she had to be calm and happy when meeting ill people of all ages as she toured the wards. She passed with flying colours living up to her kennel name. She also had to have two character references and a vet health certificate. The examiner described her as “gentle and affectionate. Quiet and with a wagging tail.”
Tallie has now joined the 4,500 dogs and 108 cats that “work” for the charity in the UK every week. These specially chosen calm friendly dogs and cats give more than 130,000 people, young and old, pleasure and a chance to cuddle and talk to them. The charity, founded in 1983, provides therapeutic visits to hospitals, hospices, nursing and care homes and special needs schools to name just the main thrust of their work. Since its beginning, over 23,000 temperament tested dogs have been registered into the Pets As Therapy charity including, for many years, my own very special black Labrador named Phoebe. She worked tirelessly in our local hospital and helped raise funds on street collections until her own health declined.

“Tallie” hard at work with owner Jean Garon.
When Tallie the Aussie arrived she helped Phoebe. Together they were a winning combination when it came to collecting donations from people. Tallulah has now taken over her duties! She has great eyes that certainly help to make people give that bit extra and every penny counts these days.
Over the years that I have visited these facilities, I have found many patients, who were initially withdrawn, gradually open up and begin to smile and talk as the dog relaxed them. The dog reminded them, no doubt, of happier days and the comforts of their home. As the charity rightly states in its literature, “the constant companionship of an undemanding animal that gives unconditional love is often one of the most missed aspects of their lives when ill.” The Pets As Therapy charity, with their hospital-visiting dogs, was formed to help make this loss more bearable, lift peoples’ spirits and help speed recovery.
I am starting slowly with Tallie. Already we have two local hospitals and a nursing home hoping we can make regular visits. The plan was to start with one facility to gently ease in this very willing little Aussie. But she loves the work and is in much demand.
It is a marvelous way to give so much pleasure. In my experience the dogs quickly know where they are going as soon as they wear their special yellow ID working coat. Immediately, it sets them apart from all other dogs as they strut up the corridors to go to work on the wards. Dog on a mission! It is very rewarding, too.

“Tallie” not only has a big heart she also has a Reserve CC from Crufts
to her credits.
This is Tallie at work; steady as a rock with no one holding her lead. We are all so very proud of her. Mind you, going around at teatime isn’t easy; her eyes see all the cakes, but not even a crumb comes her way. Like so many Aussies she loves her food, but when at work she knows that sharing afternoon tea is not part of the job. Sleepy eyes are because she has been there all day, but no matter how tired she is, she knows she must visit all her people.

“Tallie” and Jean Garron.
To give an example of the work she does, sometimes it is just a case of being there, being spoken to and reminding people of their dogs long gone. Her presence allows for great conversations. However, we have times when her work is quite special. She is brilliant visiting with a dear chap of just 54, a doctor from the local hospital, who has some ghastly degenerative disease and is fading just so fast. Although he can no longer speak, his face lights up whenever Tallie comes calling and his desperately seeking hands caress her constantly. It breaks my heart.
Recently after she had been doing the daily rounds for 2 hours at Harwood House, Teresa May, the Home Secretary from Coalition Government paid a visit and was delighted to meet Tallie at work. She even posed for pictures with Tallie. So her work is being seen and is known in high places. Let’s hope it spreads the good word for just how special an Aussie can be and of course for the PAT program.
Jean Garon
Marlow, England
Editor’s Note:
Jean Garon has had Australian Terriers for over 50 years. She got her first Aussies when she lived in Australia.

Jean as a young girl with her first litter of Aussies in Australia.
As you can tell she has been hooked on the breed ever since.

Phoebe and the Aussie “Cassie”, Elve the Lady
Photo taken by Lord Lichfield (The Queen’s cousin)
Phoebe was also mentioned in the story. “Cassie” another member of Jean’s Aussie family received her Reserve CC at Crufts handled by Lynn Bell.
Spotlight on Bethane Swagman “Louis” By April Revell (UK) |
“Louis” was born in December 2009 and has lived with me since mid February 2010. I love him so much, he is a lot of fun, very loving and we really enjoy each others company.
We live in East Sussex, on the South Coast of England. All our walks are either on the South Downs (which has National Park status), the cliff top (very secure fencing!) or the lower beach promenade. “Louis” (his kennel name is Bethane Swagman) came from Mr and Mrs Alan Small of Kennel Bethane, of Walsall in the Midlands of England. One of “Louis’ ” litter mates placed in the breed at Crufts recently. His father was bred by Ruth Jones of Wyeafon Kennels and he also placed in Crufts this year.
I have known the breed for several years, and met Chris Foskett at Discover Dogs one year in London. We kept in touch and when I was ready for another little dog (I had previously had Yorkshire Terriers), Chris helped me find Louis. I am eternally grateful to her as he is wonderful.
All photos Courtesy Of April Revell.

April and Louis

Louis as a young puppy.

Louis grown up.

Louis enjoying the winter weather.
Jaskarin Peperoncino Gets a Best In Show |
ATI Congratulates Sue McCourt, Paul Eardley, Marjo Ahola, Eija Hyvönen and Breeder Saija Reiman-Walldén.

C.I.B NORD & FI & SE & DK & NO & EE CH
Jaskarin Peperoncino “Kino”
Photo Taken By: A. Seymour
Ch Silhill Red Rock at Sherex “Ayers”
Photo Taken By: Markus Walldén
At the Birmingham National, which is the UK’s 2nd largest show, “Kino” went
Best-In-Show. The show had an entry of over 10,300 dogs. Every breed had
CC’s at that show. This is a huge win in the UK and only the 2nd time that it has been done by an Aussie at this level. The first time was Ch Silhill Red Rock at Sherex back in May 2007, who is Kino’s half brother.
I like to thank Paul and Sue from great work that they have done with our Kino. Really special thanks to Paul and Sue! I´m really happy about it. Regards, Marjo |
Nobilitydogs By Artist Sij Sandra |
As a digital designer, Kennel Club judge and a great admirer of dogs, I decided to go one step further to show that the dog is no longer just a companion and supporting figure in art, but the main protagonist of the events, and so receives well-deserved role.

I used the works of famous artists from the old century to the early twentieth-century and adapted the personalities and expressions of different dog breeds, to create unique works reflecting the nobility of dogs.

Today, our assortment of nobility dogs expands from fine art prints to unique brooches, scarves and shoulder bags.

All of our prints are produced on state-of-the-art, professional-grade Canon printers. We use giclee canvases with archival inks to guarantee that your prints last a lifetime without fading or loss of color. Giclée canvas prints are extremely high quality digital art prints produced with archival quality inks and artist’s canvas. A giclée print on canvas is the perfect option for clients who want to have the look of an original oil or watercolor in their wall. Artist Sij Sandra
For Kennel Clubs please email: for a discount.
For Prices and to visit the store Click here.
All photos are copyright protected by
Photos From Robert Powell |
Buddy was bred by Ruth Jones in Builth Wells, Wales and is now nine months old.
These are photos of Buddy as he is growing up. I took all the photos.

Darlene Evans |
Recently my friend, mentor and fellow ATI member, Darlene Evans of Tera-K kennels, resigned as both editor of the ATCA Talkabout, as well as,
Chairmen of the ATCA Awards Committee.

Darlene Evans at Morris and Essex
Best in Show Brace 2005
“Parson” and “Jingles”
They are the only Australian Terriers to have held that title.
Her newsletter inspired me and helped create the vision for ATI. Darlene has dedicated herself to the breed she loves so much. She continues her wonderful work as President of Australian Terrier Rescue. I want to thank her for her friendship, kindness, wisdom and dedication to the breed. She is an inspiration in so many ways. Her resignations will leave shoes that are difficult to fill.
Her integrity, business principles and fairness will be missed by many.
We wish her only the best.
USA 2011 AKC National Agility Championship
“Sprite” and Georgette LaPorte
ATI congratulates “Sprite” and Georgette LaPorte for their clean runs at the
Agility Nationals 2011.
The 2011 AKC National Agility Championship was held April 1-3, 2011 at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington, Virginia.
We were represented by one Australian Terrier, MACH Wilgent’s Mischief Maker, CDX, NAP, AJP owned by Georgette LaPorte. “Sprite” was born 5/5/01 making her almost 10 years old at the time of competing. We are very proud of both “Sprite” and her owner.

Can you tell us about your trip to the Agility Nationals?
The AKC Nationals was a blast! However, it was a trip that almost didn’t happen. Even though “Sprite” had qualified for the 2011 Nationals in the beginning of 2010, I wasn’t planning on attending. Well, things changed. I was talking to a friend at an agility trial and she said she needed two double Qs to qualify for the Nationals. (A double Q is when one qualifies in both the Excellent B Standard class and the Excellent B Jumpers with Weaves class in the same day.) For some reason, I told her if she got the two double Qs, I’d make the hotel reservations and off to the Nationals we’d go. Well, she got the double Qs and off we went, to Lexington, Virginia, to show at the Nationals! This was Sprite’s first Nationals! The goal for the weekend was for us to enjoy each moment, have a blast and for me to run her like I normally do. I didn’t want her to think … who is this person? Well, we had a wonderful time! It surpassed my expectations!!! Not only did Sprite Q in Jumpers, she Q’d in Standard and the Hybrid class! So, I thought WOW, we had our “perfect” weekend. Well, it’s a good thing we planned to stay for the Challenger’s round, because to top off our weekend, our names were announced as one of the 8″ Preferred Challengers! Could this weekend get any better? Unfortunately, we dropped a bar, but what a great time we had! My little Aussie and I accomplished what we set out to do … enjoy each moment, have a blast and have some great runs!
How long have you been competing?
About 12 years
How old is “Sprite”?
Sprite turned 10 years young, on May 5.
How old was she when you started training and then competing?
I started “training” Sprite when she was a puppy. We did a lot of playing around, which had some training aspects to it. She never really knew that she was training. As she was playing, we were learning the foundation work for our agility career. We’d play on very low contacts, run through tunnels and chutes, jump on the table for a quick treat and play lots of chase me games. Our training became “serious” after she turned 1 year old. That’s when jumps and weaves became involved. Sprite started competing when she was about 1 1/2 years old.

Did she take to agility naturally or was it a lot of work?
Yes, I think she’s a natural! She loves the “game.” Agility has always been fun and never stressful for her. She loves working. If I don’t keep her busy and entertained, she can get herself into trouble.
I am sure “Sprite” has brought you many proud moments but do you have any that stand out in your mind?
Wow, that’s hard. What proud moments stand out? I’d have to say, when Sprite’s had those “ahha” moments when she’s doing obedience or agility or just figuring something out. It’s neat to see the light bulb go off in her mind. She gets so proud of herself! I’m proud of her every time she’s been invited to the AKC Agility Invitationals and when she earned her Master Agility Champion title, (MACH) and her Companion Dog Excellence title, (CDX), I was ecstatic! However, most of all, I’m proud of her in the way she “attacks” life. Sprite has ruptured both her anterior cruciate ligaments (ACL) and has had surgeries on both of her back legs and each time she comes back, she comes back stronger. She has the drive to succeed and there isn’t anyone or anything that will keep her down. She took her injuries in stride and came out fighting to get back in the game. She’s like the little engine that could.
Does “Sprite” know when she has had a clean run?
Sprite thinks every run is a clean run! She doesn’t know the difference between a clean run and a run, where most likely I’ve messed her up. Each run that we do, I know she’s giving me a 150% and I don’t want to let her down. So, in her mind, I want her to think she’s had an awesome clean run every time!

Can you tell us about “Sprite’s” personality at home?
Does she have any favorite toys? Is she calm, smart, driven?
Sprite’s personality is mischievous, energetic and busy. She can be a snob when she wants to be or obnoxious when no one is paying attention to her. She can be ready to go in a heartbeat or can be a snuggle-bunny in the next moment. She doesn’t want to miss out on anything! If there’s something going on, she’s probably in the middle of it!
Sprite loves the good/bad cuz toys. They’re these tough rubber toys that are about 3″ around and have feet. They bounce all over the place and have an obnoxious squeaker. Another thing she goes crazy for are plastic water bottles that are filled with dry noodles or rice.
Can you share what “Sprite” has added or brought to your life?
Her love of life! Whether we’re hiking, swimming, training or simply hanging out, it’s an adventure! She enjoys each and every moment to the fullest.
What would you like the reader to know about “Sprite”?
Sprite’s an awesome little dog with a big heart! She gives me her all, all the time. She just amazes me with her attitude and zest for life. She just makes me smile!
Who was the breeder of “Sprite”?
Alice Williams, from Wilgent’s Kennels, in Lakeville, MA.

How long do you expect to compete?
Right after “Sprite” earned her Master Agility Champion title, (MACH), in the 12″ division, she unfortunately ruptured her second ACL. When she recovered from her surgery and rehab, I thought that even though she could still jump 12″, I didn’t want her to. I felt that she had accomplished everything I wanted her to do and then some. So, since she wasn’t by any means ready to retire, I dropped her to the Preferred 8″ division. Her second agility career began! She’s now closing in on her Perferred Agility Excellent title (PAX). I thought about retiring her once she gets her PAX, but I don’t think she’s ready to give up her agility career. She is having way too much fun! So, I figure she’ll let me know when it’s time, until then, we’ll be having a blast!
Would you recommend an Aussie for agility? Why or why not?
Sure, they are a great little dog and fun to train!
Do you have any advice for someone new interested in starting their Aussie in agility?
Don’t let “it’s a terrier thing” become an excuse. Terriers are great little dogs. They are smart, have a mind of their own and can’t be forced to do anything. Get them to love the game of learning. Keep it fun! Enjoy the journey!
If you’ve done agility with other breeds and are interested in doing agility with an Aussie is there something you should look for in a litter that would make a potentially better agility dog?
I got my first Aussie from Alice Williams and was very happy with her. I ended up, by chance, doing obedience and agility with her. So, when I was looking for another Aussie, I went back to the same breeder. Honestly, I had Alice, the breeder, pick Sprite out for me. Since I live in Kentucky and Alice lived in MA, I went on fate that Sprite was the puppy for me. I told Alice that I was planning on doing obedience and agility with him or her. I knew I wanted a puppy with a high drive and who was curious and inquisitive. One who didn’t just go after the toy, but one who pounced on it or tugged with it. I wanted one who’d take that extra step. (I would like to add that even if your dog’s a bit shy, believe it or not, agility can give a dog confidence.)
So, I look for a dog who’s brave, curious and inquisitive and who wants to learn. One who like to play with me. But most of all, I want a dog with attitude and who has that spark in their eyes!
Over The Rainbow Bridge |

ATI sends it’s deepest sympathy to
Judy Ruggles who lost her beloved Haley and
Sue Bachman who lost her beloved Sky.

I just happened to take photos of her two weeks before she died, right after Petie Schreeder groomed her. Haley was born Nov. 7, 1999, and died May 6, 2011. Haley was the daughter of Molly, who died Dec 29, 2010, and Monte, who is still with me at the age of 14 1/2. “Haley,” Ch. Chaucer’s Hey, Look Me Over, won her championship when 7 weeks pregnant, at Cal Expo. I still have one of her puppies, Glory, age 9. Haley was my beloved and faithful companion and she is very, very missed. Judy Ruggles
Haley leaves behind a space in the world and in Judy’s heart that can never be filled. She also leaves behind love and light and sparks of joy and hope that live on in Glory. Judy we hope those wonderful memories of Haley will give you strength.

“Sky” as a puppy
Ch Ryba’s Sky’s The Limit was born a month short of 15 years ago. Sky lived every day of her life with me and helped raise all of the puppies born with the
Ryba name. In later years she shared the house with Brady and me.
She will be forever missed.
The flowers of spring let us know that life continues on and that summer is coming. We can look up to the “Sky” and know that love is all around us.
Please Be Aware Of Poisonous Mushrooms By Diana Gerba |
Republished with permission from CHF and Diana Gerba.
To Print The Flyer On Poisonous Mushrooms Click Here
On August 17th, I lost my sweet little Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, Donato. To this day, I still have moments of disbelief and will forever ask the unanswerable question, “Why?” We had been celebrating a warm summer day at a friend’s house in Carmel Valley and unbeknownst to us he ate a Death Cap mushroom (Amanita Phalloides). Within 12 hours he was violently ill, in 24 hours he was failing, in 48 hours I knew I was losing him. Even with the valiant efforts of a team of incredible vets and vet techs at Adobe Animal Hospital, his spirit left us 60 hours after he ingested the deadly Amanita Phalloides.

Donato’s name means gift in Italian. He was barely six months old and yet we packed in what will have to be a lifetime of memories. He ran on the beach, saw the Sierras, shopped at Bloomingdales and rode a gondola to the top of Mammoth Mountain to see the snow. With his tail always wagging, he had a boundless enthusiasm for life. He loved me and I him. We were a team ordained by the stars and had plans on going oh, so very far. I always told him he would be a very important dog. Little did I know what that would come to mean.
Since that dreadful day I have learned so much about this deadly mushroom. One of the best descriptions that I’ve found was on the Bay Area Mycological Society’s website.
The Amanita phalloides is a strikingly beautiful mushroom and the number one cause of fatal mushroom poisonings worldwide. Originally found in Europe, it has proved to be highly adaptable to new lands and new mycorrhizal hosts. Death caps now occur around the world, from Australia to South America, but nowhere have they found a place more to their liking than in the oak strewn State of California.
In the San Francisco Bay Area, Amanita phalloides can be found at all times of the year. Death Caps are most abundant during the heart of our fall and early winter rainy season, but they can also appear through late spring, and even during rainless summers, in areas of coastal fog drip or in stands of irrigated oaks.
Like all amanitas, young Amanita phalloides are completely covered by a tissue called a universal veil. This tissue is tough and membranous. As the young mushroom expands, the veil tears cleanly. This normally results in the mature mushroom having a bald cap. Color in many amanita species can be quite variable, but a classic phalloides will have a greenish-yellow cap. Death Caps can also be green, yellow, brown or tan or rarely white, and often take on a metallic sheen with age and drying. The veil drops as the cap expands, to form a delicate skirt or annulus around the stipe. The scent of a Death Cap can be pleasant and sweet in youth, or foul and fishy as it decays.
– from the page “Amanita phalloides: Invasion of the Death Cap”

What puppy wouldn’t give a sniff to that? Though the highest density of occurrences of Death Caps is around the San Francisco Bay Area, there are two distinct ranges in the United States. One is along the west coast (as far south as Los Angeles County and north to Vancouver Island, Canada) and the second is on the East Coast (from the Atlantic Coastal Plain of Maryland northward to the White Mountains of New Hampshire and east to the coastal islands of Maine). In California, Death Caps are associated with Coast Live Oak trees, in Oregon with chestnut or filbert trees and on the East Coast with pines.
Death Caps contain acutely toxic amatoxins, which can result in liver failure or death. The most promising treatment is intravenous Silibinin, a derivative of milk thistle, however, even this did not help my sweet Donato. More research needs to be done and more grant money needs to be allocated. Experts say that the range of the Death Cap is spreading and they are becoming more prolific. Dog owners need to take heed.

If you see Death Caps in your yard or dog park, pick them and bag them. But as a local ranger said….err on the side of caution… pick everything, bag it all and throw them out. There are other mushrooms out there that can kill. (i.e. , Amanita ocreata, The Death Angels and Galerina marginata, the Deadly Galerina)
If a Death Cap is ingested SEEK MEDICAL HELP IMMEDIATELY. Now, I’m sure to carry Hydrogen peroxide in my first aid kit. If I’m on a hike and my dog has ingested a mushroom, I’m prepared and can induce vomiting if necessary.
It has become Donato’s legacy and my mission to spread a warning about the danger of mushroom toxicity. With the help of friends I created a flyer to raise the awareness about Death Caps. Donato’s flyer has rapidly spread throughout the dog community and via the internet. It has been posted in pet shops, veterinarian offices, dog parks, grooming salons, published in dog club newsletters, linked to websites and has been in local newspapers. Let Donato help keep our loved ones safe. So far my little pup’s story has saved the lives of three dogs. In the spirit of paying it forward I’m happy to say their owners are making flyers and continuing to spread the word.
Today, as I look at our beautiful California Oaks, I pause and search the ground for mushrooms before I let my new pup, Tesoro, run and play. Let what happened to Donato and I not happen to another. This is Donato’s final gift. My sweet Donato, you really have become a very important dog.
Bay Area Mushrooms or Bay Area Mushrooms Amanita
To contact Diana Gerba you can email her at:
USA Grand Champions |
Points Ranking for Australian Terrier |
Today’s Date: May 24, 2011 |
Rank |
Dog Name |
Sex |
Points |
Achievement Level |
No. 1 |
GCH CH Kambara’s Zebulon |
Dog |
184 |
No. 2 |
GCH CH Black Back Firefly |
Dog |
119 |
No. 3 |
GCH CH Ryba’s On A Clear Day |
Bitch |
84 |
No. 4 |
GCH CH Benayr Clay Tucker |
Dog |
83 |
No. 5 |
GCH CH Blue Moon Call Me Irresistible |
Dog |
77 |
No. 6 |
GCH CH Cochise Living Treasure |
Dog |
72 |
No. 7 |
GCH CH Abq San Isidro Christhill |
Dog |
71 |
No. 8 |
GCH CH Nellyson’s Mr Dont Skip The Zip |
Dog |
69 |
No. 9 |
GCH CH Benayr Just For Kicks |
Dog |
63 |
No. 10 |
GCH CH Ryba’s Matinee Idol |
Dog |
61 |
No. 11 |
GCH CH Merrigangs Wild N Crazy Guy OA NAJ JE |
Dog |
60 |
No. 12 |
GCH CH Ryba’s Nothing But Blue Skies |
Dog |
51 |
No. 13 |
GCH CH Harringtons Crimsonrose Figaro |
Bitch |
47 |
No. 14 |
GCH CH Marble Arch Lady From Castile |
Bitch |
44 |
GCH CH Ryba’s Licensed To Shop At Redsky |
Bitch |
44 |
NEW!!!!!!!! Grand Championship Achievement Levels
For more information on the AKC website click here.
Chef’s Corner With Cheryl Mechalke |
Did Someone Say Dinner?

Photo Courtesy Of Cheryl Mechalke “Tipu”
Parsley Meatloaf Sliders
Makes 4 patties , Prep 10 minutes, Cook 10 minutes
½ lb ground beef- .23 kg
1 egg
½ cup fresh flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped – 118 ml
1 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil-EVOO-15 ml
In a medium bowl, stir together the ground beef, egg and parsley. Form into 4 ½ inch or 1.25 cm patties. Heat a small skillet or gas grill to medium heat. If using a skillet add the EVOO to the pan; if using a grill, brush the EVOO onto the grate of the grill. Add the patties and cook, turning once for about 8 minutes, for medium to medium-well burger. Remove from the heat and let cool (for the pups).
Copyrighted EveryDay by Rachel Ray
Note: For those of you who might feed raw, just make these up in large batches, roll the mixture into balls and freeze in bags. Take out, defrost and use as needed to make you and your pups some dinner! |
ATI is excited to tell you about this new product for your Aussie.

FitPAWS® Canine Conditioning Equipment can be used by our four-legged friends for core strengthening, increased range of motion and flexibility, neuromuscular facilitation, sensory and perceptual stimulation, joint alignment, and balance control. Whether your dog is involved in agility, dock jumping, other dog sports, or is a working dog or a couch potato with healthier aspirations, core strength is a fundamental element used by your dog to control its body when jumping, turning, running and to help prevent injuries.

Get the edge over the competition with NEW FitPAWS Canine Conditioning Equipment! Core conditioning is an essential part of any athletes training program, including the performance dog. If your dog participates in agility competitions, you’ll want to make sure your dog is in prime physical condition. Once on top of the FitPAWS conditioning equipment, your dog’s body will automatically react to the shifting movement, causing your dog to use different muscle groups simultaneously in order to remain upright. Adding this strengthening activity to your dog’s cross-training activities 3-4 times a week, has many benefits, including:
· Improved reaction and control
· Increased trunk and core strength
· Stabilization of weak areas
· Improved balance and proprioception
· Increased range of motion in joints & elongation of the muscles
· Improved sensory & body awareness

To watch a demonstration of the product, click here.
For More Information Contact
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From Denmark-Enjoying The Dogs Of John Hansen |

Bella and Puppy Pippi


Bella and Pippi
All Photos Courtesy Of John Hansen (Denmark)
Bark Out |
I just love the ATI Newsletter and read it all the way through … even when I should be doing something else! Your interview with Jill Grenaee was especially good. I like her emphasis on temperament which is why I chose the breed. Also my other dog is a Lab. It’s a perfect combination. I’d love to hear from others who are doing agility. Winston has just started competing and is doing great. Such a fun dog!

Photo By: Karen Moureaux.
He got his AKC Novice Jumpers title at our last show.
Susan Clayton and Benayr My Man Winston
A well-deserved honor and as always interesting piece on Jill Grenaae, whom I consider a friend and huge mentor. We’ve never met but have been in contact for many years. I can say without qualification that Kennel Tatong is largely responsible for most Pineterri (and surely other kennel) successes over the years, in the ring. More importantly, Jill’s breeding has produced, in my view, the very best temperaments in Aussies. Case in point:
Jill sent me Tatong’s Music Man (Sammy) approximately 6 years ago. Sam is a kind, gentle and noble guy while still a terrier through and through. He does not like the ring – my impression has always been that he feels it is a waste of his time and true talents. His true calling became evident when he went to keep my 88-year old
Uncle Jim company after he lost his first Aussie (Allie). Sam took up residence on my uncle’s sofa, never more than a few feet away. He has been there through several near death experiences with Uncle Jim. In fact, two years ago while Uncle Jim was in an urban teaching hospital (and Sam was temporarily back with me) for what we thought was the last time due to his serious medical condition, his primary care physician sent word that if there was any hope for my uncle’s survival, Sam needed to make an appearance (totally against hospital rules of course). Well, I left work immediately and brought Sam to the hospital, receiving some peculiar glances from hospital employees and visitors and patients alike. From the moment Uncle Jim saw him and weakly rubbed Sam’s ears from his hospital bed, things turned around. He needed to recover to be with “his dog.” Two years later they are still inseparable. Uncle Jim’s three daughters credit Sam (not the many fine doctors he had!!) with saving their father’s life and allowing him to spend more time with them. True story.
Jill Grenaae believes that one of (if not) THE most important traits for an Aussie is temperament. In this regard Tatong’s Music Man sets the standard. Thank you Jill.
Jerald Walsh, Pineterri Kennels
I could not wait to write this email even before I read the Newsletter again in details. It is as usual, a nice one, with nice photos. Moreover I learned a lot about the Breeders in Denmark.
But, here is the news, I was delighted to learn that for Jill Grenaae, her Best Dog was Cartoon’s grandfather: Tatong’s Silvermoon Dancer and it really means something to me when you know that she has produced about 400 dogs. Moreover she mentions “Le Clos de Windorah.” That is my dog, Cartoon’s father! It makes me feel so proud. Marie-Francis Petry, Belgium
Breeder of Merit |

AKC Breeder Of Merit Australian Terrier Banner
*Has a history of at least 5 years involvement with AKC events.
*Earned at least 4 Conformation, Performance or Companion event titles on dogs they bred/co-bred.
*Member of an AKC club.
*Certifies that applicable health screens are performed on your breeding stock as recommended by the Parent Club.
*Demonstrates a commitment to ensuring 100% of the puppies produced are AKC registered.
Harban, Marilyn – Dreamtime Aussies
Levy, Pamela – Arista Aussies
Maas, Janet – Akiba Aussies
Mitchell, Anne – Kambara Aussies
Popovits, Jeanne – Blue Moon
Roache, Ann – Roachan’s
Vaught, Debbie – Tekoah
Weigle, Sandra – Marble Arch
For a complete list of Breeders Of Merit Click Here
Direct links are provided for ATI Members
Flea and Tick Information |
The Only Natural Pet Store has a wide array of products available to people wishing to try natural products this year. To see their products, click here
They state that, “EPA studies have shown that “traditional” flea and tick products may actually be hurting our pets (and our families). Containing harmful chemicals and potentially deadly cancer-causing agents, mass-market brands are a gamble not worth taking.”
Safe for people and pets
Effective, yet affordable
Easy and convenient
CERF Information |
GREAT NEWS: APRIL 1-AUGUST 31, 2011, CERF tests sent in will receive the kennel rate of $8.00 instead of $12.00. This is a wonderful savings. You must download the voucher here and send it in with your CERF paperwork. This is for everyone. If you have completed the CERF test but not filed it with CERF now is the time. If you have not tested your dogs eyes, please consider doing so.
To view and print their brochure click here.
Join ATI |
To Join Click here $20 US
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Pamela C. Levy
Australian Terrier International